FEEDFORWARD - Angel of History
October 22, 2009- April 5, 2010

"Sharp Chic - über die Anziehungskraft des Kristallinen" 07.02. - 19.04. Freiraum/quartier21, MuseumsQuartier Wien, Wien

ENTER ACTION Digital Art Now 7 February – 26 April 2009 ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum

Glanz und Verderben, Kunsthaus Mürz

macghillie - just a void, Cabaret Voltaire Zurich, 25.11-29.11.08

INKONSTRUKTION III, Stiftung Biesenthal, Berlin; 05.07.08 - 14.09.08

NEWBORN undeliverable?
Kunsthof Zürich June 5-
7, 2008

SYNTHETIC TIMES - MEDIA ART CHINA 2008 / june 5 -july 5 2008

Vigilancia y control , El Centro de Arte La Regenta
07.03. - 20.04.2008

Transmediale 08: CONSPIRE
Ausstellung 30.01 - 24.02.08


SHIFT Basel.

Sie nennen es Realität HMKV in der PHOENIX Halle Dortmund, 6. - 21. Oktober 2007

Im Westen nur Neues Von der ZHDK Zürich

The BlackBenz Race Inauguration Parade, Schiphol, The Hague 13.04

Translocal Practices 6.6/7.6.

for Manoeuvre
four vehicles: white_sovereign, passion_cleaner, tiger_stealth, blackbenz October 5 - 27, 2006,
Skuc Galerija, Ljubljana,Slovenia

Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum 10. 09. 06 - 28. 01.07 "Was ist Plastik? 100 Jahre - 100 Köpfe. Das Jahrhundert moderner Skulptur

Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum 30.4.06 "Designing Truth"

Duisburger Akzente 29.4.
Publicity- Kunst im Öffentlichen

11.2005 [performance: PASSION 5] November 3rd, 8 pm;

. Puls 5 Zürich

related to PASSION5: 1may.ch

10.2005; Stadt.kunst.:

"BlackBenz" - an artrace from Zurich to Prishtina and retour

04.2005 [exhibition: naked bandit] "Open nature"

Date : April 29(Fri.) -July 3 (Sun.) , 2005 Venue : NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] 2005 Gallery A, B, 5F Lobby, Entrance Lobby
open Nature" focuses on the "nature" infiltrated in our daily lives through digital information environments, and aims to redefine it as an "open" concept that clears the way for a broader range of relationships between art and technology.

01.2005 [exhibition: naked bandit] MAPPING NEW TERRITORIES Schweizer Medienkunst International

Knowbotic Research, Marlene McCarty, 56kTV-Bastard Channel, N3krozoft Mord
30. Januar - 27. März 2005
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bundesamt für Kultur/sitemapping.ch sowie der Basler Institution [plug.in] präsentiert die Neue Kunst Halle St. Gallen vier Projekte zeitgenössischer Schweizer Medienkunst. Installationen und Performances ergründen neue Territorien im Ausstellungsraum. Die Ausstellung wird vom Symposium «Exposing Media Art» am 12.03.2005 ergänzt, das Fragestellungen innerhalb des neu entstandenen Bereichs Medienkunst diskutiert.

02.2005 [exhibition:naked bandit; Vol III]:

[Exhibition from February, 4 to 8] Knowbotic Research's ‘naked bandit/here, not here/white sovereign 3.0’ focuses on the mechanisms of detainment of so-called ‘unlawful enemy combatants’ who can be regarded as ‘here’ and, at the same time, ‘elsewhere’, not anymore on the territory of the nation state, and thus banned, stripped off from the legal framework which the nation state guarantees (‘naked bandit’). The project investigates the mechanisms of such an inclusive exclusion and the inherent formations of power. By remodelling these specific formalisms in software code the artists are able to offer different possible scenarios for the liberation of the ‘naked bandit’. It's obvious that the solution cannot be applied on the prison situation. However this tension of the hypothetical is crucial to the aesthetics of the work.

10.2004 [exhibition:naked bandit; Vol II]:

Orléans, Frankreich
6rd Orléans international architectural conference

-> archive

bio/bibliography >e / >d

material_current projects

download area 1

download area 2


NEWBORN undeliverable,June 08

NAMOC, Bejing, June 2008

BlackBenzRace Basel;, October 2007

BlackBenzRace Rotterdam; april 2007

Skuc Galerija Ljubljana; october 2006

Stealth_Tiger ; PubliCity Duisburg; april 2006

Stealth_Tiger ; PubliCity Duisburg; april 2006

Passion5 Zürich; november 2005

ICCTokio, april 2005

ICC Tokio,
transcoding naked code, in collaboration: hitotzuki; April 2005

Kunsthalle St. Gallen, January 2005


knowbotic research has a professorship at the Vertiefung Mediale Künste / Department of Media and Art, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste



macghillie - just a void, testcase 2008


My BLACK CAT, testcase Aros Museum Aarhus 2009

> BlackBenzRace, testcases 2007-2008

> NEWBORN - undeliverable? Testcase Hardbrücke Zurich 08

enter> test case realities: My BLACK CAT= 2009 >>>>>>

enter> test case realities: macghillie - just a void = 2008 >>>>>> blog

enter> test case realities: NEWBORN: undeliverable? = 2008 >>>
>>> blog

enter> test case realities: BLACKBENZ RACE= 2007 >>>>>> blog

enter> transcoding the clandestine: stealth_TIGER = 2006

enter> Room for Manoeuver= 2006
>>>>>> info

enter> transcoding: PASSION5 = 2005 >>>>>

enter>free 1MAY_ringtones

enter> transcoding sovereignty: NAKED BANDIT, 2004/05 >>>>>> info

enter> transcoding security: minds of concern:
NY, Seoul, Barcelona 2002-20004
>>>>>> info

enter> Mental ImMigration = 2001 >>>>>> info

enter> eventmodul: anonymous. databody. muttering = 2001 >>>>>> info

enter> crack it! - connective force attack = 2000 >>>>>> info

enter> lavoro immateriale - time to back up! = 2000 >>>>>> info

enter> info to series: IO_dencies questioning urbanity = 1997/99 >>>>> > info

enter> IO_dencies Tokyo = 1997 >>>>>> site

enter> IO_dencies São Paulo = 1998 >>>>>> site

enter> IO_dencies Ruhrgebiet = 1999 >>>>>> site

enter> IO_dencies lavoro immateriale = 2000 >>>>>> site

enter> DWTKS - Dialogue with the Knowbotic South = 1994 - 97 >>>>>> info

enter> Anonymous Muttering = 1996 >>>>>> info

enter> TT - Turing Tuning = 1994 >>>>>> info

enter> SMDK - Simulationsraum Mobiler Datenklänge = 1993 >>>>>> info

enter> Ping Operation Pong = 1991 >>>>>> info


enter> Enacting Timebased Archive = 1999 - 2001
enter> eSCAPE/Esprit Projekt 25377 IO_dencies questioning urbanity
enter> Hypermediale Bild-, Text-, Video-Archive zur Dokumentation
komplexer Artefakte der Bildenden Kunst, Universität Lüneburg
enter> mem_brane laboratory = 1995 - 1998 >>> > site

media_architecture> Nachrichtenturm = 1998

print_projects-> nonlocated_online, AM, naked bandit

Tiger_ Stealth_Black_Transport_
Berlin_Ljubljana 08
> enter: Galerija Skuc, Ljubljana, October 5 - 27, 2006 Knowbotic Research -

'Room for Manoeuvre' four vehicles: white_sovereign, passion_cleaner,
tiger_stealth, blackbenz Exhibition opening: Thursday, October 5, 2006, 20.00 h

- Projektentwicklung im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts
Kunst Zürich Öffentlichkeit, www.stadtkunst.ch, 2005

The BlackBenz Race is a semi-fictional car race outlined as a public art inter-
vention in Zurich and as well into the transnational Albanian migration space in
Europe. Over the last years the Albanians in Switzerland have been discriminated
and politized in the local mass media as speeders/racers that endanger public
order. Knowbotic research, the theoretician Felix Stalder and three Albanian
social and asyl workers, Arben Gecai, Osman Osmani and Faton Topalli, all living
in Zurich, are trying to open out of this local discrimination practice a space for
an translocal experimental art project: A trip with black cars through the Alban.
migrant routes, starting and returning to Zurich which will manifest visually as a
car race i.e. this quite ordinary car trip will be designed, documented and
mediatized in the style of existing illegal car races through Europe. The race
participants, Albanian migrants and Swiss artists will transmit and publish movies
on a "racing site" in the internet, report via sms text messages and "race" infos
out of the cars to LED displays in the city of Zurich and to local swiss-albanian

PASSION5 [Performance] 2 - 3 November, Puls 5, Zürich

The intervention Passion5 by Knowbotic Research is an atmospheric installation
about different forms of passion: the passion of political activism in street
protests, and the passion of scientific research, articulating playful curiosity
with sytems of public order.
Passion5 reflects the current state of political agency, and its limits. Slogans

and chants from street demonstrations mutate into pure sounds, transmitted by
an urban street cleaning vehicle. Simultaneously, an engineer is trying to build a
flight robot that will navigate autonomously, tracking the indoor space. The
robot is an ambiguous mobile scanner, guarding the space, controlling
movements and behaviour, attracting empathy and attention.

Enter Action Digital Art Now, Catalogue Aros, Aarhus Kunstmuseum 2009

Kunst und Öffentlichkeit Kritische Praxis der Kunst im Stadtraum Zürich Herausgegeben von Christoph Schenker und Michael Hiltbrunner, JRP|Ringier Zürich 2007

Synthetic Times, Catalogue, Editor: Zhan Gha, Beijing 2008

13 Positionen Mediale Künste Zürich 2008; ISBN 978-3-85881-210-0

Is it now?
Gegenwart in den Künsten, Hg. Adorf, Fink, Schade, Zürich 2007

late shift, Kunst als symbol. Terrain
ed. Jetzer, Spinelli; 2006 mit Buetti, Steiner/Lenzlinger, Regli, Signer, krcf

Room for Manoeuvre, ed. krcf, broeckmann; catalogue, Skuc gallery 2006

Designing Truth, Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Duisburg 2006

Under Fire.2: The Organization and Representation of Violence Edited by Jordan Crandall Rotterdam: Witte te de With, 2005 ISBN 90-73362-65-2

download the pdf file.
Transcoding the dilemma - naked

, ed.Knowbotic Research 2005 Kunsthalle St. Gallen, http://www.k9000.ch/shop_d.html

2. Sarai READER 05: BARE ACTS Editors: Monica Narula, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, Jeebesh Bagchi + Geert Lovink Guest Editor: Lawrence Liang Published by the Sarai Programme, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, 2005 [cc] Produced and Designed at the Sarai Media Lab, Delhi ISBN 81-901429-5-X 584 pages, 14.5cm X 21cm Paperback: Rs. 350, US$ 20, Euro 20

The complete text of 'Bare Acts', like the entire contents of previous readers, is available for free browsing and download as pdf files at http://www.sarai.net/journal/

For Purchase, Distribution and Other Enquiries, mail to - publications@sarai.net or, contact - Publications Sarai, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies 29, Rajpur Road, Delhi 110054, India Tel : (+91) 11 2396 0040
http://www.sarai.net E mail : dak@sarai.net Distributors: Seagull Books, Delhi & Kolkata (in India) and Autonomedia, New York (USA)

Herausgeber: [plug.in], Bundesamt für Kultur, Neue Kunsthalle St. Gallen Mapping New Territories Schweizer Medienkunst International, Art Multimédia Suisse International, Swiss Media Art International Mai 2005, 280 Seiten, 20 Farbabbildungen, broschiert, deutsch/englisch/französisch ISBN: 3-85616-238-0 SFr. 49,00 / Euro 32,00

Taschenverlag 2006, Tribe, Reena
Artists featured: Cory Arcangel, Jonah Brucker-Cohen and Katherine Moriwaki, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Vuk Cosic, Mary Flanagan, Ken Goldberg, Paul Kaiser and Shelly Eshkar, Jennifer and Kevin McCoy, Knowbotic Research, Mouchette, MTAA, Keith and Mendi Obadike, Radical Software Group, Raqs Media Collective, RTMark, and John F. Simon Jr.

aRt&D: Research and Development in Art (paperback, art&d)lays open a new investigative field of art that emerged in the last few decades as a result of media and technology influences. It is the first book ever published that is entirely dedicated to artistic research and development.

RECK, HANS ULRICH. Kunst als Medientheorie. Vom Zeichen zur Handlung. München 2003. 661 S. mit 75 Abb., Bibliographie, Index, brosch. Reck macht die Umrisse einer Kunst deutlich, die an und durch sich selber Kunst- und Medientheorie ist. In zwingender Weise wird von hier aus eine neue Perspektive auf zahlreiche Aspekte der bisherigen Geschichte der bildenden Kunst erkennbar

Designed by Bart Lootsma, this catalogue gathers thirty teams of international architects around the new stakes of urban space: globalization, drifts, smart mobs, new technologies…