project description; last updated: October 29, 2004
  [context] ---------------------------------------------------------In the context of the "war of terror", Knowbotic Research investigate legal frameworks which, often invisibly, inscribe and determine our public fields of action. KR direct the attention away from the dominant layer of representing these processes through mass media images, and address directly the layers of the code of these political inscriptions. The project naked bandit/here, not here/white sovereign focuses on the sites of detainment of so-called 'enemy combatants'. It approaches these sites as invisible, stealth public spaces by uncovering the codes of their inherent mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion. These sites of detainment call into question the dominant notions of sovereignty and citizenship which define the legal status of a person: The (global) sovereign defines detained persons as 'here' and, at the same moment, 'elsewhere', not anymore on the territory of the nation state, and thus banned from the legal framework which the nation state guarantees ('naked bandit'). - 'Naked bandits' are here and not here: detained in spheres of limbo. The project investigates the formal mechanisms of such an inclusive exclusion and the inherent formations of power, and offers hypothetical models of agency for dealing with their logics.

[transcode] ------------------------------------------------------ Knowbotic Research transfers the legalistic codes (or better codes which produce an exemption from legality) of the inclusive exclusion of the naked bandit by the white sovereign, into a script code, executable in a Unix shell.transcoding the inclusive exclusion The 'impossible' translation of the dilemma of the naked bandit, i.e. being excluded from the legal body and included in a trans-territorial non-location, - this translation into another code system opens up an artificial testing ground, a stage to look for and execute possible exits out of this invisible, coded dilemma. The shell scripts appropriate the mechanism of the inclusive exclusion (to define somebody as being here and not here) in order to overcome it by its own means. In the execution of the following two naked bandit/here, not here/white sovereign scenarios A, B the potential of escape of the bandit is installed and enacted.
[scenarios] ------------------------------------------------------scenario A:
export white_sovereign='not_here() { while [ enclosed ] ; do echo "naked bandit: here, not here"; echo $white_sovereign| sed -e "s/ ( not_here ) /(& \& ) /g">; done; } ; ( not_here ) & wait $!' ; sh -c "$white_sovereign"

-----------------------scenario B:
not_here() { echo "$! ">.key; here & wait $! ; } ; here() { while [ enclosed ];do echo "naked bandit: here, not here";done; } ; ( ( not_here ) & while true;do echo "white sovereign: naked bandit here, not here";done )